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戦国II「実隆公記裏文書」より文明十五年七月二十七日到二十九日紙背 (Sengoku II, Script on the rear of letters dated from the 27th to the 29th of the 7th month of Bunmei 15 (1483) - taken from the Sanetaka Kōki Uramonjo)


戦国II「実隆公記裏文書」より文明十五年七月二十七日到二十九日紙背 (Sengoku II, Script on the rear of letters dated from the 27th to the 29th of the 7th month of Bunmei 15 (1483) - taken from the Sanetaka Kōki Uramonjo)

「(中院殿)   (實隆)」

今暫く(しばらく)紙候すべく候之處、加州に召し置く秀「元」去八日死去の由告(つげ)來たり候、迷惑之餘(あまり)早出(いで)候  While Sanetaka was in attendance with the emperor, news came of the death of Hidemoto on the 8th . This was very vexing, hence Sanetaka left early.

参仕せしむべく候、毎度無心之儀候と雖も、御輿申し渡るべく候、馮在(たのみそんじ 簾(す、すだれ)みくるし「  」件の日に當番候然而進すべき候、東山殿御移徒(おわたまし)参賀ハ廿九日とて候、惣竝(なみ)之日中々乗物候バと(足利義政)(徙)あら~念入り候「  」 し在じ候の間、其の思を絶ち候、卅日・一日・二日之間「 」可申「 」候、相構(あい
心を得申し候,(構か)  (渡か) かまえて)御他約候まじく候、謹言
(文明十五年)                    通秀
    六月十五日(p.114)                  實隆 (さねたか)                                (三条西)

The rest of the article deals with more everyday matters. The weather was particularly hot and unpleasant, however Sanetaka was able to have an audience with the emperor the previous day, in which the emperor expressed his favour with Sanetaka. A particularly busy (difficult) season was about to begin, with the opening of religious lectures from the 20th of the month. Sanetaka planned to go on the third day, however it appears that Sanetaka had to request use of a mikoshi for his transport. Sanetaka also mentions that the Shōgun was to move his residence on the 29th day of the month, which meant that throughout the day everyone would make use of vehicles. Whilst Sanetaka apologizes for one again making the request, he asks to be able to use the mikoshi from the 30th through to the 2nd day of the following month.

© Greg Pampling. This page was modified in December 2011